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Tips for Travelling While You are Pregnant
 Author : Dr. Shivani Sachdeva Gour, Director and Fertility Consultant, ISIS Fertility Centre
No matter whether you travel by car, bus, train or plane, it is generally safe for you to travel at all times during pregnancy as long as there are no identified complica¬tions. But among the three trimesters in pregnancy, the second trimester grants the best time to travel, as you are quite free from the morning sickness experi¬enced during first trimester as well as sev¬eral weeks away from the ‘easily fatigued’ third stage of pregnancy.

A few tips below will help you to make the trip more comfortable and safe:

Traveling By Air

1. Travel before Third Trimester
In case of travelling by air, the second tri¬mester, (14 to 28 weeks) is the best period. As this is the period when you are likely to feel the best, also the risks of miscarriage and premature labor are lowest. Resul¬tantly, you are mostly free from morning as well motion sickness. Most airlines re¬strict you from traveling after 36 weeks.

2. Immunization
Avoid going to countries which are known to have cases of malaria or influenza. In case, going to such places turns inevitable, consult with your practi¬tioner, and take necessary precautions.

3. Maintain Hydration
Air travel is known to cause dehydration for lesser humidity levels in the cabin. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the flight.

4. Comfortable Seating
Try to get seats with more leg room. Tak¬ing an aisle seat would be a good option for easy movement to restrooms.

Traveling by Car

1. Buckle up
Wearing a seat belt is very important for safety whether one is pregnant or not. But during pregnancy, it should be kept in mind that seat belt is worn below the belly, never around or above it.

2. Motion Sickness
If you have a history of motion sickness, sit in the front seat and open the window for fresh air. Focusing on a distant object or at horizon will further help in overcom¬ing the problem.

3. Maintain Good Circulation
In order to maintain good blood circula¬tion in the body and avoid cramping and swelling of legs, keep stretching, rotating, and wiggling your legs to maintain good circulation.

4. Take Breaks
Try to take small breaks after every hour or so, in case of long drives. Move out of the car, stretch your limbs, take in fresh air and relax with yourself. Also utilize this time to use restroom facilities.

5. Prefer Back Seat
The back seat provides the highest com¬fort to a pregnant woman as it is more spacious than the front seat. Sitting on the back seat and stretching your legs all over the seat is the best position to have a com¬fortable car journey.